Monday, February 20, 2012

My very first craft fair! (Sort of)

That is a picture of my very handsome boyfriend and are lovely Elysia Crafts display!

We went to the Jamaica Plain Winter Flea held at Spontaneous Celebrations (an amazing neighborhood group). It was mostly folks selling vintage stuff, and we got placed upstairs (less traffic). BUT! It was an affordable event and I sold TWELVE items! Yay! There were a couple of other crafters around, too. One woman, across from me, had beautiful screen printed fabrics and shirts.

Another photo of our display! So much fun! It was great thinking of ways to display my stuff, and I stole the pin idea from my amazing mother. It's how she's displayed her earrings in her closet since she was in college! A very fun, thrifty way to show off my stuff. And it lets customers feel the jewelry before making a purchase. I also used paint chip cards- which got a lot of compliments to display some extra stuff.

Overall, it was very fun and definitely a success. I'm planning on going to other flea markets, farmers markets or events when I make my move to CALIFORNIA in less than a week!!

Can't wait! I'd love to hear about all of your craft fair/ flea market first experiences! Any sage words of advice?

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